Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Ahwaz, Iran

2 AERI, AREEO, Karaj, Alborz, Iran

3 East Azarbaijan Agricultural Research and Training Center and Natural Resources

4 Agricultural Engineering Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Orumieh, Iran

5 Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran.

6 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Khuzestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Ahwaz, Iran.

7 Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI), (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.

8 Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran.



Nowadays, due to the crisis of lack of water resources for agricultural production, the issue of water saving has been raised. Water saving includes activities that release a certain amount of water for other uses such as wetlands. Therefore, the use of techniques that lead to the reduction of water consumption (ETa) in the field will be effective in promoting water productivity at the basin level. In the current research, with the aim of identifying the most effective techniques to reduce ETa to help restore the lakes of Urmia, Tashk-Bakhtegan, Fars, and Shadgan Wetland in Khuzestan, monitoring was carried out in the crop year 2021-2022 by applying cropping techniques at the level of farmers' fields and orchards. In this research, the number of 55, 17 and 18 farms and gardens were considered from Urmia Lake, Tashk-Bakhtegan and Maron-Jarhari basins, respectively. The results showed that although the application of all techniques was able to reduce irrigation water by an average of 24.67%, increase yield by an average of 18.3% and increase the productivity of applied water by an average of 60.4% for all three catchments, but all these techniques were not effective in reducing the amount of ETa. Farm monitoring showed that the techniques based on "accurate schedualing based on soil and plant profiles along with the modification and optimal management of the existing irrigation system" have been able to reduce ETa by an average of 15.5% and improving the efficiency of water consumption (WPET) with an average of 40% in all three basins. Therefore, the most effective techniques in Urmia lake basin were creating two-way furrows of rows of trees in surface irrigation and planning drip irrigation based on soil and plant profile in row crops and trees, which reduced ETa by 18%. Also, the reduction of irrigation plots to the shading level for pomegranate and pistachio trees in the Tashk-Bakhtgan basin, the creation of basins around the shading surface of palm trees along with palm leaf mulch, and finally the cutback management method in the strip surface irrigation system for cultivation in the Maron-Jarhari basin were able to reduce ETa are considered as the most important techniques by 21, 13 and 14%, respectively. Finally, it can be stated that paying attention to monitoring techniques at the level of a basin with local participation and promoting them can be effective in protecting the region's ecosystem while establishing sustainable agriculture.


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