Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Water Eng. Dept., Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 P.hD. Student, Water Eng. Dept., Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Uneven temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation and lack of management in the supply and demand of water resources in the country, particularly in very dry areas such as Hormozgan province, has caused agriculture sector to face serious problems. In this regard, virtual water trade in the country can solve the main parts of the problems in water distribution at a lower cost. The results of this research showed that the total annual import and export of virtual water in Hormozgan province were, respectively, 1284.3 and 1131.1 million cubic meters (MCM). The share of the field crops, horticultural crops, and livestock sector from the imported virtual water is 61.44%, 9.97%, and 28.59%, while their contribution to the exported virtual water is 35.32%, 59.18% and 5.5%, respectively.  Equivalent volume of virtual water trade balance in this province was found to be 142.5 MCM. Also, indexes of water stress, water use intensity, water dependency and water self-sufficiency to virtual water import of Hormozgan province were 63%, 58%, 9.6%, and 90.4%, respectively. One of the most important causes of virtual water export in Hormozgan province is production of products like dates, vegetables, and summer crops that use a lot of water. The important source of the virtual water imports into the province is the import of rice and wheat. Also, the results of this study show that Hormozgan province has a relatively low potential in using green water, such that only about 7.8% of field and horticultural crops are produced by green water. Therefore, it is recommended that crop pattern of Hormozgan province be shifted toward more use of green water (like in cereals and fruits) and planting summer crops such as corn and potato, which use a lot of water, be avoided.


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