Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc of mining engineering;

2 Professor of mining engineering, Amirkabir University, Faculty of Mining



Hydrochemical quality of groundwater in Chahardoli Basin in Qorveh, located in the west of Iran, was investigated in this study. Sixty six groundwater samples were taken in an area of 340 square kilometers and analyzed for the concentration of major ions, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH. Spatial distribution maps of cation and anion concentrations and electrical conductivity (EC) of water has shown that the concentrations of ions in the central parts of the basin are higher than in other parts. Due to high concentrations of ions, all of the water samples were not categorized in suitable ranges for drinking use. Groundwater is used for agriculture in this region, therefore, various methods were used for assessing the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. USSL diagram showed that 59 wells had acceptable quality for agricultural purposes. The dominant type of groundwater in the area was  that is a common type of fresh water in Iran


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