Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. Sc. Student of soil science Dept. Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 Assistant professor of soil science Dept. Ferdowsi university of Mashhad



Water infiltration into soil plays an important role in water cycle, but its measurement is expensive, time consuming, and difficult, and it has spatial and temporal variations. Therefore, estimating the infiltration rate using emprical and physical models and/or indirect estimation of infiltration with more convenient soil properties is essential. The aim of this research was to estimate the cummulative infiltration rate of water into soil by using particle size distribution (PSD) data and water retention shape parameter. Cummulative infiltration rate was measured in agricultural, horticultural, and pasture land uses in Neyshabour town of Khorasan Razavi province (Iran). Infiltration measurement was performed by single cylinder (Beerkan's method) at 5 points with 3 replications for each land use. The measured results were compared to those fitted with Philip two terms, Lassabatere et al., and Minasny and McBratney equations. It was revealed that using PSD data for estimating water retention shape parameter and, then, assessing the cumulative infiltration rate in the three land-uses significantly increased determination coefficient (R2) in relation to Philip model. The root mean square error (RMSE) obtained from fitting Lassabatere et al. model decreased significantly in comparison to Philip model in pasture and horticultural land uses. In reverse, use of Minasny and McBratney method decreased R2 in relation to Philip model in the three land uses. In agricultural land use, the highest and lowest RMSE were obtained from fitting data on Philip and Minasny and McBratney models, respectively. Mean error (ME) obtained from Philip model was positive in the three land uses, reflecting the overestimation of this model. Also, except in the pasture, in other land uses, the ME values obtained from fitting the studied models for estimating cumulative infiltration rate were positive. According to the results of this research, use of PSD for estimating water retention shape parameter and, then, assessing cumulative infiltration rate by Lassabatere et al. model is recommended.


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