Document Type : Research Paper


1 Post-Doctoral researcher, Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran

2 Professor, Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran

3 PhD, Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.


The present study aimed at investigating the productivity and energy indicators of rice, wheat, fodder corn, seed corn and citrus fruits in Tajan Plain during 2022-03. Sampling was done based on 300 designed questionnaires. The collected information included man-days, working hours of machinery, fuel consumption of machinery, application of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium fertilizers, application of various types of chemical pesticides, including herbicides (in L/ha), the amount of applied water (m3/ha), the amount of seeds (k/ha), and the crop yield (k/ha). Results showed that the highest amount of energy in the input energy sector for rice was (593256 mega Joules per hectare, (MJ/ha), output energy for fodder corn (141795 MJ/ha), net energy for fodder corn (110758.53 MJ/ha) and energy efficiency was also for fodder corn (1.1 kg/MJ). Also, it was found that in all the products, the four inputs of water consumption, nitrogen fertilizer, machinery and fuel had the highest amounts. Results of water showed that the highest productivity in the Tajan plain was related to fodder corn and citrus (6.3 and 5.3 kg/m3), and the lowest productivity was related to rice (0.5 kg/m3). Also, the productivity of wheat and grain corn was 2.6 and 1.8 kg/m3, respectively. In general, to increase the productivity of lands and products in terms of productivity and energy indicators, it is necessary to use plants with appropriate yield, highest level of productivity, and lowest level of input consumption. Among the researched products, fodder corn had more suitable conditions than other products for increasing the cultivated area, due to its great impact on ensuring food security and reducing the need for livestock and poultry consumption inputs.


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