This study aimed to investigate the effect of subsurface drip irrigation on leaf area index, root distribution, quality and yield of sugarcane for the first ratoon. For this purpose, a field with subsurface drip irrigation management was studied. Three measurement stations were selected in the field. The amount of water consumed for this field in 2017- 18, was 19531 mm. During this period, 117 mm of rainfall also occurred. Number of plants, number of green leaves, leaf length and width over one meter of plants row were counted and measured six times at 91, 99, 105, 112, 119 and 128 days after harvesting of plant. Number, length and width of leaves averaged 7.2, 101 cm and 2.9 cm respectively. The LAI value was affected by the number of plants. Weight of 20 stalks, brix, POL, purity (PTY), Quality Ratio (Q.R), brown sugar yield (Y) and white sugar yield (SY) in subsurface drip irrigation were 15.8 kg, 22.2%, 19.8%, 89.1%, 6.7, 21.3 ton/ha and 14.9 ton/ha respectively. Also different root characteristics were measured. Root weight, length, area, volume and diameter were 79.5 g, 707.55 cm, 793.3 cm2, 70.8 ml and 1.05 mm, respectively. Shoot/ root ratio was 5.73 g / g. Finally, in deeper and lower layers of soil, the root diameter is 20% more than the surface layer.
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Namdarian, D. , , Naseri, A. , , Boroomand nasab, S. , and Parvizi almani, M. . "Effect of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Management on Growth and Yield Indices in First Ratoon Sugarcane Cultivation", Journal of Water Research in Agriculture, 34, 2, 2020, 203-216. doi: 10.22092/jwra.2020.122258
Namdarian, D., Naseri, A., Boroomand nasab, S., Parvizi almani, M. (2020). 'Effect of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Management on Growth and Yield Indices in First Ratoon Sugarcane Cultivation', Journal of Water Research in Agriculture, 34(2), pp. 203-216. doi: 10.22092/jwra.2020.122258
D. Namdarian , A. Naseri , S. Boroomand nasab and M. Parvizi almani, "Effect of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Management on Growth and Yield Indices in First Ratoon Sugarcane Cultivation," Journal of Water Research in Agriculture, 34 2 (2020): 203-216, doi: 10.22092/jwra.2020.122258
Namdarian, D., Naseri, A., Boroomand nasab, S., Parvizi almani, M. Effect of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Management on Growth and Yield Indices in First Ratoon Sugarcane Cultivation. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture, 2020; 34(2): 203-216. doi: 10.22092/jwra.2020.122258